Vision - Mission – Values
Vision - Mission – Values

We created SIGMA because we have a Vision.
The development and consolidation of a BUSINESS MENTALITY through the creation of business management practices that will include the economy as a lever for improvement and development, at a living, cognitive and spiritual level for every person and every business that has principles, values and self-knowledge.
The importance of vision
Vision is the driving force behind achieving goals that lead to individual or collective volunteering. When the vision is common, it is the "umbrella" under which the groups that support actions and purposes are drawn with common faith. The quality of the vision, that is, the essence of the efforts, determines the health and the perspective of such a goal as it helps not to lose the purpose of the group.
To be the largest in our region and one of the largest companies in our country in the areas of Support - Management & Business Development. Pioneers in variety and quality of services and products.
The needs of our customers show us the way. Our constant goal:
- Loyal customers
- Our customers advertise through relationship quality and service quality.
- With a high networking policy, cooperation & synergy with internal and external partners.
- With Total Quality Management application policy with internal and external customers.
- For the company progress, development, growth
- For associates personal, scientific & family integration
With economical results satisfactory for its partners and that ensure the future development and the good of the work of all of us.
- Variety of services
- Quality of services
- Quality of relationships
Our moto: "our biggest competitor is yesterday's ourselves!"
Having an excellent image and continuous actions in the economic, social & political environment of the region.

The SIGMA function is based on the following values
- Personal contact - Sense of uniqueness From & To the customer
- Responsibility
- Professionalism - Consistency
- Immediate service – On Time & Valid work
- Organization - Planning - Modern processes - Timelines
- Innovation - Innovation - Uniqueness
- Predictability - Continuous improvement
- Training - Science
- Honesty - Humility - Confidentiality
- Challenge – Meraki

Our mission is one.
To support companies in the co-shaping of an environment that will produce personal and collective "LIFE SELF-SUFFICIENCY".